March 12, 2025

Water damage is one of the worst things for your home because not only does it hurt the surface, but it seeps into the pores of all the materials of your home as well. Flood water, or water from a serious leak has to be removed as soon as possible, and it is up to you to find the right service to take care of that for you. Finding the right company for the job isn’t as easy as it seems and you shouldn’t just hire the first company that comes up in the Yellow Pages. Instead you need to assess your options and make sure you are getting someone who is going to do a good job for you.

Ask For References
Any company can say that they do a good job, but the professionals can prove it. Water damage is a serious issue and you don’t want to hire someone based on their word that they will do a good job. You want proof that it will happen. Ask the company for references that you can talk to. Companies that provide before and after pictures are also highly recommended, but don’t hire based off pictures without speaking to a reference as well.

Question the References
When you are given references to talk to make sure you really question them. Find out how much water damage they had, how long the damage took to repair and if they were satisfied with the work the company did.

Forget About Dealing with the Insurance Company
One of the most stressful aspects of the process for water damage restoration is dealing with the insurance company. Insurance companies mean lots of paperwork, waiting on hold to speak with officials, and having to fight for your compensation. When you work with a professional restoration service they can provide the proof you need to get your compensation, and deal with collecting the necessary insurance money to get the job done right.

An Emergency Hotline
The best restoration companies come with an emergency hotline that you can call in case of future water damage issues. Water damage can be minimized with quick action in some instances, and getting in touch with a restoration company quickly can save you a great deal of money. Ask about an emergency hotline service when you are trying to find a restoration company to work with. Even if you don’t think the issue is going to occur again it makes sense to prepare for it anyway.

Follow these tips and you will choose a water damage restoration company that knows what they are doing. A little work on your part is worth knowing that you are going to have your problem resolved, and that you are working with a company committed to quality service.